In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the player is the only one who can decide what to do: destroy the evil Team Star, catch every Pokemon to complete the Pokedex, learn about the new Titan Pokemon, or take down every Pokemon Gym to become champion and become the very best like no one ever was.

After that, the player can still accomplish much in the post-game. One of these is to challenge all the Pokemon Gyms for a rematch!
This guide will teach you everything you need to know in the rematch against Iono, the Gym Leader for Levincia! Consider this your spoiler alert for the main story ending of the game!
The Beginning of the Post Game
After completing the game’s final main quest, “The Way Home,” and the credit roll, the player will be returned to their dorm room and called to Director Clavell’s office. Exit the dorm room and select “Director’s Office” from the prompt.
There, Director Clavell will address Penny, Nemona, Arven, and the player, stating that he is not angry but wishes to discuss their achievement in shutting down the time machine that prevented the ancient/future Pokemon from destroying the Paldea region’s ecosystem.
Furthermore, Director Clavell will state that he is willing to overlook that they were forced to enter a restricted area. Director Clavell will then give the player a Master Ball.
Following a few exchanges, Nemona suggests that they hold a Pokemon battle at the academy to commemorate the player becoming a Champion.
Then, Top Champion Geeta will enter the room and say that the Pokemon League would be delighted to help organize this contest before suggesting that both students and faculty compete for the title of strongest trainer at the academy, as everyone has the potential to be the best.
Then, Top Champion Geeta will say she cannot participate unless the player helps her with her work. Choose “I’d be delighted to assist!” on the prompt, and Top Champion Geeta will ask the player to inspect the various Pokemon Gyms in the Paldea region on her behalf to ensure that they continue to serve as beacons of strength and inspiration for all those aspiring to the Champion Rank.
She then explains that the player can accomplish this by bringing their full force as Champion and challenging each Pokemon Gym Leader to a battle.
Then, Top Champion Geeta and Penny will leave to complete some tasks.
The player can now challenge the Pokemon Gym Leaders to a rematch after a few lines of dialogue!
Levincia Gym: Rematch!
Gym Leader Iono can be found inside the Levincia Gym in the southwestern part of the city of Levincia, which is the second city in the east of Mesagoza City, just ahead of the path of East Province (Area Two) (northwest of Artazon City or southeast of East Province Area Three).
Upon entering the Levincia Gym building, approach Gym Leader Iono near the receptionist, and she will mistake the player for Top Champion Geeta. Still, she will realize that it is the perfect time for her and the player to collaborate, making her more popular than ever. So, as the player is there to inspect on Top Champion Geeta’s behalf, Gym Leader Iono will say that she will give the player a show they will never forget. Select “Yes” on the prompt once Gym Leader Iono says it is about time to get down to it, and the player will be brought to the battle court in the middle of the bridge in the middle of Levincia!
Iono, The Supercharged Streamer: Rematch!
On the battle court, Gym Leader Iono will start her stream, the Iono Zone, with the player and is excited for her stream to trend. Then, a battle against Gym Leader Iono will commence!
Gym Leader Iono will use five Electric-type Pokemon: a Level 65 Kilowattrel, a Level 65 Bellibolt, a Level 65 Luxray, a Level 65 Electrode, and a Level 66 Mismagius that has an Electric Tera type.
With that in mind, it is worth mentioning that Kilowattrel is an Electric and Flying type Pokemon which means that it has a weakness to Ice-type and Rock-type moves (super effective), a resistance to the Bug-type, Fighting type, Flying type, Grass type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Ground-type moves (no effect).
Iono’s Kilowattrell may use the following moves:
- Hurricane, a special Flying type move with 110 Power and 70 Accuracy, also has a 30% chance of confusing the opposing Pokemon and will still damage opposing Pokemon that used Fly, Bounce, or Sky Drop.
- Quick Attack is a physical Normal-type move with 40 Power and 100 Accuracy with an increased Speed priority of 1, making it go faster than most.
- Discharge is a special Electric-type move with a power of 80 and an accuracy of 100 that will hit every Pokemon on the field and has a 30% chance to paralyze them.
- Tailwind is a Flying-type status move that will increase the Speed stat of the user’s Pokemon by two stages for four turns.
Aside from its moves, Gym Leader Iono’s Kilowattrel has the Ability called Wind Power, which will boost the next Electric-type move the Pokemon with the Ability uses when a wind move hits it.
Bellibolt is an Electric-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Electric type, Flying type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
Iono’s Bellibolt will use the following moves:
- Water Pulse, which is a special Water-type move with 60 Power and 100 Accuracy, also has a 20% chance of confusing the opposing Pokemon.
- Thunder, a special Electric-type move with 110 Power and 70 Accuracy, has a 30% chance to inflict Paralyze to the opposing Pokemon and will also damage Pokemon that use Fly, Bounce, or Sky Drop. This move also has an increased Accuracy if Rain is active and decreased Accuracy if Harsh Sunlight is active.
- Reflect is a Psychic type status move that will reduce the damage taken from Physical Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for five turns on the user’s side of the battle.
- Sucker Punch, which is a physical Dark type move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy that will only deal damage to the opposing Pokemon if it is about to use a damaging move and will fail otherwise.
Iono’s Bellibolt has the ability of Electromorphosis, which, if an attack hits the Bellibolt, Bellibolt becomes charged and boosts the power of the next Electric-type move that it uses.
Luxray is an Electric-type Pokemon which means that it has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Electric type, Flying type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
Iono’s Luxray will use the following moves:
- Wild Charge, which is a physical Electric-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, will also give recoil damage to the Pokemon who used the move that is equal to 25% of the damage dealt
- Crunch, a physical Dark type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy, also has a 20% chance of lowering the Defense stat of the opposing Pokemon.
- Psychic Fangs, a physical Psychic type, move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also destroys the protective barriers active in the battle.
- Ice Fang, a physical Ice type move with 65 Power and 100 Accuracy, also has a 10% chance of causing the opposing Pokemon to flinch or freeze.
Iono’s Luxray has the Ability called Intimidate that will lower the Attack stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage when the Pokemon with the Ability enters the battle.
Electrode is also an Electric-type Pokemon which means that it has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Electric-type, Flying-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
Iono’s Electrode will use the following moves:
- Foul Play, a physical Dark type move with 95 Power and 100 Accuracy that deals damage to the opposing Pokemon based on its Attack stat, means that the higher the opposing Pokemon’s Attack stat is, the greater the damage.
- Magnet Rise is an Electric-type status move that will make the Pokemon who used the move immune to Ground-type moves for five turns.
- Discharge, which is a special Electric type move with a power of 80 and an accuracy of 100 that will hit every Pokemon on the field and has a 30% chance to paralyze them.
- Electric Terrain is an Electric-type status move that will prevent the Pokemon on the ground from sleeping and will boost the effectiveness of Electric-type moves of Pokemon on the ground by 30%. The effects of this move will be active for five turns.
Aside from its moves, Gym Leader Iono’s Electrode has the Ability called Static, which has a 30% chance to paralyze the opposing Pokemon if the opposing Pokemon comes into direct contact with the Pokemon with the ability.
Mismagius is a Ghost-type Pokemon but, as Gym Leader Iono will Terastallize her Mismagius, it will change into an Electric-type because of its Tera Type, which means it now also has a weakness to Ground-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Electric-type, Flying-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
Iono’s Mismagius will use the following moves:
- Shadow Ball, a special Ghost-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 20% chance of lowering the Special Defense stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Charge Beam, a special Electric-type move with 50 Power and 90 Accuracy, also has a 70% chance of raising the Special Attack stat of the Pokemon using the move by one stage.
- Mystical Fire is a special Fire-type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also lowers the Special Attack stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Dazzling Gleam is a special Fairy-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
Iono’s Mismagius, on the other hand, will become immune to Ground-type moves due to its Ability, Levitate, which means that Iono’s Mismagius will no longer have any weaknesses. Mismagius will also not take damage from Spikes because of its Ability.
As Gym Leader Iono’s Pokemon are Level 65 and 66, it is advised that the player’s Pokemon are Level 67 and above with Rock-type and Ground-type moves as Rock-type moves will deal super effective damage to Kilowattrel and Ground-type moves will deal super effective damage to Bellibolt, Luxray, and Electrode.
As for Iono’s Mismagius, who will now not have a weakness because of its ability, there is no type that will deal super effective damage to it, so the player has no choice but to use types that deal the normal amount of damage. The player can use any type of move except Electric-type, Flying-type, and Steel-type move.
Additionally, it is likely that Iono’s first Pokemon, Kilowattrel, will use Tailwind, which will increase the Speed stat of the opponent’s Pokemon by two stages for four turns regardless of whichever of their Pokemon is in the battle.
Because of this, it is likely that Gym Leader Iono’s Pokemon will outspeed the player’s Pokemon. So, instead of competing with their increased Speed stat, it would be best to use attacks or status moves that raise the Defense and Special Defense stats of the player’s Pokemon.
After winning the battle, Gym Leader Iono will check out the viewer number of her stream and say that having someone as popular as the player on her stream was a great idea as she is now trending. She will then ask the player if they collab again soon.
After defeating Gym Leader Iono in the rematch, the player can go on to challenge other Gym Leaders in rematches and other post-game quests!